9150 Pflumm Road
Lenexa, KS 66215
Phone: 913-888-2770
After hours emergencies: 913-888-6574
Email: [email protected]
Monday thru Friday 8AM- 4PM
Closed on legal holidays and Holy Days
Note that staff members' schedules may vary. Please call ahead if you'd like to meet with a specific staff member.
Main Church
13615 West 92nd Street
Unlocked & accessible for weekend Masses, Reconciliation & special events only
Father Quigley Center
9201 Summit Road
Holy Trinity School
13600 West 92nd Street
9138 Pflumm Road
Parish Center (Gymnasium)
13520 West 92nd Street
Old Stone Chapel
9130 Pflumm Road
Unlocked & accessible for special events & daily Mass in the summer
Adoration Chapel
9201 Summit Road
Open from 7AM to 7PM, after hours access requires a pass code
The gray shaded areas of this map are Holy Trinity Parish boundaries.
While Holy Trinity warmly welcomes ALL people to our parish, no matter where you live, we especially invite those who live closest to our church to become a part of our community.
The Main Church is located near downtown Lenexa on 92nd Street, one block west of Pflumm Road. The Parish Offices are at the northwest corner of 92nd and Pflumm.