The St. Dismas Ministry is named after Saint Dismas, one of the people executed with Jesus on Calvary. In that final hour, Saint Dismas, also called the good thief, took stock of his life and turned to Jesus for mercy and said:
“Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom” ~ Luke 23:42. In the way so typical of his ministry, Jesus turned to him and said: “This day you will be with me in paradise” ~ Luke 23:43.
Parishioners from the Archdioceses of Kansas City, KS volunteer to visit inmates at the Olathe and Gardner Detention Centers to read Scripture and administer the Holy Eucharist.
This ministry offers a variety of opportunities to support incarcerated juveniles, men and women. Mentors are also needed to assist with successful reintegration.
Time Commitment
1-2 hours per month, or more if desired
Eucharistic Ministry Training (available through the Parish), orientation (1-2 hours) and whatever paperwork is required for each facility.
John Errante, 913-708-1528, or [email protected]